Brand Leadership
If you want to purchase goods or services, certain brands that you have seen or heard of might come up to your mind. While you associate with those that excite and delight you, you disassociate with those that do not meet your expectations. If you believe a brand's offerings are value for money, you may not consider other substitutes.
If you are running a business, you have to consider how visible is your brand, what your brand is associated with by customers and whether your brand can get, keep and grow them. A well-managed brand can create, capture and deliver revenue streams in short and longer terms. Branding is not just marketing, but a business strategy to scale up.
You can also build your own personal brand through interactions, creating a lasting impression in the minds of others. The advance of Internet, social media and personal websites enable the execution of key activities to make it happen. The goods or services provided under your name or endorsed by you would sell more than no-brand ones.
While goods or services have their inherent worth, intangible brands, due to their visibility, associations and revenue generation add extrinsic value. Since my teens, I have been leading myself in achieving goals, and incidentally, branding myself. By taking proper self-care first, other branding elements like identity, positioning and story will fall into line!