A Smart World
Would you (or the computer) trust the electronic and chronological data or information you (or the computer) read if unlocking or altering of the transactional and evidential chain is virtually impossible? The future promise of applying the blockchain technology to monitor human transactions in global e-commerce is being recognized more and more. I would like to see global direct copyright clearance without troubling jurisdictionally-based collecting societies.
Before blockchain technology can break through or disrupt any traditional transactional stricture, there is the need to develop a common blockchain language eg standardization of coded instructions. With a clean slate, the international community can work together by designing upfront a common framework. I witnessed the conclusion of the Internet Treaties in 1996 under the auspices of the World Intellectual Property Organization.
In parallel, visionary entrepreneurs should also have the courage to try, as bottom-up specific effort can be more down to earth. Having dealt with technology and law at various levels for decades, I would contribute my part in any appropriate platform to change the world for the better. As virtually everyone is a user and creator of copyright works, I am anxious to design smart techno-legal standards as smart solutions to challenges in a smart world!