A Nebulous Concept
If you come up with a revolutionary creative or innovative concept, if proved and realized on a commercial scale, should change world for the next 1000 years, what would you do? Would you manage it as a trade secret or publish it as a copyright work? Or would you incur costs to patent the inventive product or process in all the developed economies?
If you do not disclose the concept, attempting to exploit the unique and valuable information, others in the creativity or innovation landscape may arrive at a similar result before long. They would become the first to create or invent the product or process publicly. If you publish it as a copyright work, you can attribute your authorship, among other rights.
Getting a patent in strategic markets affords a time-limited 20-year opportunity to exploit the inventive product or process there. Employee-inventors often assign their patent rights to their employers who finance the research and pay employees' compensation. And eg if no patent is sought in Hong Kong, Hongkongers can use the invention free.
The business concept - international trading of intellectual property rights - that I champion is not patentable. If it is kept as a trade secret, others could cook up something similar soon. Disclosing specifics before the market is ripe would lose the leading edge, and so it is still a nebulous concept although there are refined pipe-line projects!